
Certificates used for automatic communication with CS OTE are possible to find here.

The communication with CS OTE is encrypted by digital certificates. The certificate can be hardware types, like USB tokens and smart cards, or can be software type, stored in a software repository. Each individual who will access the OTE system should acquire a certificate. Issuing costs of the certificate are borne by the applicant.

The list of all supported certification authorities and certificates for communication with CS OTE system is possible to find: HERE

Certificates used for automatic communication with CS OTE are possible to find: HERE

1. Acquiring new certificates

  • Certificates might be used for both production and test (Sandbox) environments of the CS OTE,
  • Certificates can be acquired regardless of the application process for the agreement with OTE.

For details please follow up with the relevant certification authority website listed in the table above. 



2. Registration certificates to CS OTE

Export and registration of the public part of the certificate

Please register the public part of the certificate to CS OTE which is used to verify the user’s identity against the private part of the certificate. Login to CS OTE is possible immediately after the registration of the certificate.

Certificates can be registered by:

  • Authorized person to manage other user accounts and certificates,
  • The user who has at least one valid certificate

4 pairs of certificates can be registered in one user account. 

Manual for contractual parties containing further information on automatic communication, OTE-COM application and e-mail communication.pdf (800 KB)

Manual for registration certificates to CS OTE.pdf
 (696 KB)

Please note for a new company the registration is completely done by OTE.


3. Renewal certificates

Users renew their certificates according to the instructions of their certification authority.

Users with a still valid certificate or Authorized persons register the renewed public parts to CS OTE as described in Section 2.