End of the deadline (28 June 2024) for the submission of applications for compensation for the fixed period

We would like to remind you that by June 28, 2024, suppliers providing electricity and gas to end customers in the Czech Republic may submit annual requests for reimbursement of compensation provided for the supply of electricity and gas at set prices for the specified period, in accordance with Government Regulation No. 5/2023 Coll., on compensations provided for the supply of electricity and gas at set prices, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”). These requests can only be submitted through the OTE Portal.

According to Section 14e, Paragraph 2 of the Regulation, if a trader does not submit a request for reimbursement of compensation for the specified period by June 28, 2024, but has been provided with monthly compensation for any month of the specified period or an extraordinary advance payment, the electricity or gas trader must settle the difference between the compensation for the specified period and the total advance payment by returning the total advance payment to the market operator within 14 calendar days after the deadline for submitting the request for reimbursement of compensation for the specified period. OTE will issue a corrective settlement document at the beginning of July 2024 with the account number and variable symbol where the returned advance payment must be sent by July 12, 2024.

Further information on submitting requests can be found on OTE’s public website here.

https://www.ote-cr.cz/cs/dokumentace/kompenzace. (Czech only)