Harmonogram shutdowns

Harmonogram of shutdowns for system CS OTE 2024

Date Time from Time to Day
23/01/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
21/02/2024 17:00 22:00 Wednesday
26/03/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
23/04/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
21/05/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
12/06/2024 16:00 00:30* Wednesday
24/06/2024 16:00 23:00 Monday
23/07/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
20/08/2024 18:00 20:30 Tuesday
24/09/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
22/10/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
19/11/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday
17/12/2024 17:00 22:00 Tuesday

* On June 12, 2024, a new version of the CS OTE system will be deployed, including modifications for IDAs intraday auctions. Due to the scope of the changes being deployed, the downtime is only informative and may vary.

Information about planned changes can be found here.

The dates were updated on 06/06/2024 (correction and addition of information for the shutdown on 12/06/2024