08.07.2019 15:21:09

Invitation to 2nd Wave Go-Live Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Pre-Launch Event

OTE, a.s., as well as ČEPS, a.s., are pleased to invite you to 2nd Wave Go-Live Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Pre-Launch Event focused on upcoming 2nd Wave Go-Live which will enable continuous cross-border trading of electricity in the intraday timeframe across the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia in addition to those countries already coupled. For a detailed information about workshop, please see the invitation letter here.

The workshop takes place on Tuesday 1st October 2019 at Carlo IV Hotel on Senovážné náměstí in Prague, Czech Republic. The whole workshop will be held in English. Please confirm your attendance to email: sidc.registration@cz.ey.com by 31st August 2019.

We trust that you will be able to attend this interesting event and we look forward to welcoming you.