Basic facts

Company name OTE, a.s.
Location Sokolovská 192/79, Praha 8 Karlín, PSČ 186 00
Identification number 26 46 33 18
Tax No. CZ26463318
Juridical form Akciová společnost
Registred In Commercial register in Prague, part B, file 7260
Bank account KB Praha 1, 19-5582760247 / 0100
OTE, a.s. holds the ISO 27001:2023 certificate - available here.

OTE, a.s., the Czech electricity and gas market operator, (OTE) is a joint-stock company established in 2001. OTE provides comprehensive services to individual electricity and gas market players. OTE commenced organizing trading in the day-ahead electricity market in 2002 and the intra-day and block electricity markets in later years. OTE has been the market operator on the gas market since 2010 including operation of the day-ahead gas market and intraday gas market. Continuous data processing and exchange required for the accounting and settlement of imbalance between the contractual and actual volumes of electricity and gas supplied and received are among the services offered by the OTE to players in the Czech electricity and gas markets, as well as administrative procedures associated with a switch of the supplier. The OTE also administers the National Register of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. OTE is the holder of the license for market operator´s activities, which includes activities in the electricity and gas market in the Czech Republic.

Key business activities:

  • Evaluation, billing and settlement of imbalances between the contracted and metered electricity and gas supply or consumption,
  • Organization of the short-term electricity and short-term gas market in cooperation with the transmission system operator also the organization of the regulating energy balancing market,
  • Compilation of monthly and yearly reports on the electricity market and monthly and yearly reports on the gas market in the Czech Republic,
  • Compilation of reports on future projected electricity and gas consumption, and on the method of ensuring a balance between electricity and gas offer and demand,
  • Preparation of documents for draft Electricity Market Rules and Gas Market Rules,
  • Ensuring real values of electricity and gas supply and consumption for market participants,
  • Ensuring preparation of load profiles in collaboration with distribution systems’ operators,
  • Drafting of market operator’s business terms for the power sector and for the gas sector,
  • Billing and settlement of regulating energy and balancing gas including billing during emergencies.

 Social responsibility: