You are here: Home About OTE OTE News OTE News OTE News 10.09.2024 11:15:00 Ekologické Zdroje Energie s.r.o. has been terminated in the system CS OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets <p><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">Ekologické Zdroje Energie s.r.o. </span></strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">was terminated in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets as of 30th September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 145 members and the short-term gas market 134 members.</span></p> 09.09.2024 14:25:00 XML message formats, XSD templates for suggestions <div class=" relative ml-[2px] -mt-[4px] "> <div class="prose dark:prose-invert " style="width: 622px;"> <p>On the page <a href="" class="state-published navTreeCurrentItem navTreeCurrentNode active contenttype-document" title="">XML message formats, XSD templates for suggestions</a> we have just published a new version of the templates for suggestions.</p> <p>The new version of the ISOTEDATA template, which will be deployed to the CS OTE production environment on<strong> September 23, 2024</strong>, is now available for testing in the Sandbox testing environment.</p> <p>For more information, please visit the aforementioned page.</p> </div> </div> 04.09.2024 15:50:00 Increase in Negative Pricing Hours on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market in 2024 <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The development of trading on the day-ahead electricity market (DAM) organized by OTE, a.s. contributes to the price reduction. In the spring and summer months of 2024, there was an increase in trades at a negative price. This increases the number of hours when the customer does not pay for the consumption of electricity, but on the contrary gets paid, and thus its costs are reduced. Almost 50 days between April and August, electricity was traded at a negative price on the day-ahead market, which is almost three times as many cases as in the same period last year. The highest negative price achieved was - 138.75 EUR/MWh on 12.5. 2024. </strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The most hours with a negative price were during April to June. This confirms the fact that the production from photovoltaic power plants (PVE) is strongly influenced not only by the number of hours when the sun shines, but also by the outdoor temperature. The efficiency of PV production decreases with increasing temperature (in summer, during days with high temperatures, PV plants achieve lower efficiency than in spring or autumn).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">“I welcome that OTE\'s short-term markets contribute to achieving lower prices and greater business opportunities. Negative prices and price volatility in general can motivate market participants to greater activities within the energy markets, implementation and development of accumulation and provision of flexibility on the consumption side as well," says Michal Puchel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTE.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Short-term electricity markets organized by OTE, a.s. successfully help the electricity market not only in situations where there is a shortage of electricity, but also in situations where there is a significant surplus of energy on the market due to weather conditions. As a result, trading on short-term markets organized by OTE contributes not only to consumers, but also to the reduction of energy procurement costs, allows traders to reduce imbalance costs and is a suitable tool for increasing supply reliability in times of surplus production from renewable energy sources (sun, wind). For the sake of interest, it is also important to mention the fact that when trading on the day-ahead electricity market, there are also hours in which the electricity price is zero. This occurred 26 times in the period from April to August 2024. Prices also develop in the intraday electricity markets organized by OTE in a similar way to the daily market.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The development of trading at negative prices on the day-ahead electricity market compared to the average price achieved on the day-ahead electricity market is shown in the following figure.</p> <p> <img src="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" data-linktype="image" title="PR_Increase in Negative Pricing Hours on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market in 2024.png" data-val="a57d3a5a5365493c883d0e5214e31c91" data-scale="large" alt="PR_Increase in Negative Pricing Hours on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market in 2024.png" class="image-inline" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;">The press release in PDF format is available <a data-val="77fc8dd30ce144cfa75c906b78f3162f" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</p> 28.08.2024 19:25:00 RS energie s.r.o. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>RS energie s.r.o. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power and gas markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 146 members and the short-term gas market has 134 members.</p> 27.08.2024 10:50:00 Raccoon Energy s.r.o. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>Raccoon Energy s.r.o. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 145 members and the short-term gas market has 133 members.</p> 22.08.2024 15:30:00 GridStream a.s. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>GridStream a.s. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 144 members and the short-term gas market has 133 members.</p> 21.08.2024 14:30:00 Monthly electricity and gas market report <p>Download the monthly electricity and gas market report <a data-val="7e3dfc7135274113b5b2a17a020c8c59" href="" data-linktype="internal">HERE</a>.</p> 15.08.2024 13:45:00 Intraday auctions and the possibility to trade every quarter-hour are new tools for reducing electricity payments. <p><strong>Intraday electricity auctions and opportunity to trade electricity every quarter-hour, which were introduced by the market operator during the last days of June, have a positive effect on electricity prices. Already in the first half of July, there was a further increase in trades on the intraday electricity markets organized by OTE. In July 2024, daily average volume of 16,600 MWh was traded on these markets (≈ average annual consumption of 6,600 households). This fact led to a reduction in the cost of imbalance. Intraday auctions, together with the possibility to trade every quarter-hour, are therefore a very good tools for electricity traders. This increases the possibilities to react more efficiently and quickly to the current situation on the market and to contribute to the overall reduction of the electricity price. This type of trading contributes to the further development of renewable sources, the introduction of electricity sharing, accumulation and the provision of flexibility aggregation services. Traders and producers have a continuous overview of the current situation on the market, are more active and thus create greater pressure to achieve the most favourable price.</strong></p> <p>"The introduction of a new way of trading through intraday auctions across Europe and the transition to a quarter-hour imbalance settlement and trading period in the Czech Republic extends the possibilities of integrating renewable resources and consideration of the effect of weather on their production. There is also additional opportunity on the consumption side to respond to price movements, with an effort to reduce prices for consumers," says Michal Puchel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTE, a.s.</p> <p>"Intraday electricity auctions are a new tool that also effectively allocates available transmission capacity to bidding zones so that the obtained prices of cross-border capacities in individual bidding zones reflect their shortage at a given time and thus send additional price signals to the market. Simply put, both traders and producers have a better overview of current price signals, which motivates them to buy and sell electricity. As a result, the entire market is more effective and creates pressure to find a balanced electricity price," says Igor Chemišinec, vice chairman of the board of OTE, a.s.</p> <p>Intraday auctions take place in cooperation with other EU market operators (NEMOs) and transmission system operators every day at 3:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. As part of its intraday market trading platforms, OTE allows market participants to trade 15 and 60-minute continuous products and in intraday auctions. Traders and producers use these tools every day. The current ratio of individual trading options is 70% for intraday products with a 60-minute period, 20% for a 15-minute period and 10% for intraday auctions. In total, 2.715.000 MWh of electricity was traded on the intraday and day ahead electricity market in July, which for an idea was the net electricity consumption of two large regions of the Czech Republic for the last quarter of 2023.<br /><sub>The press release is available as a PDF <a data-val="38550ba6fe6f48118332ebb598b441b1" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</sub></p> 13.08.2024 13:15:00 Updated OTE Business Terms for the gas market (Revision 24 – July 2024) - effective on 20 August 2024 <p>The Updated OTE Business Terms for the gas market (Revision 24 – July 2024) have been published on the OTE website. The updated OTE Business Terms for the gas market were approved by the Energy Regulatory Office on 5<sup>th</sup> August 2024 and <strong>became effective from 20<sup>th</sup> August 2024.</strong></p> <hr /> <ul> <li><a data-val="" href="" data-linktype="external">Business terms of OTE for the Gas market.pdf</a> - Revision 24 - July 2024</li> <li><a data-val="" href="" data-linktype="external">Business terms of OTE for the Gas market</a> – track changed - Revision 24 - July 2024</li> </ul> <p>Currently in editing progress, temporarily only in the Czech version.<br /><br /></p> <hr /> <p> Annexes No. 1, 2 and 3 were not changed in this revision.</p> 02.08.2024 09:15:00 Monthly electricity and gas market report <p>Download the monthly electricity and gas market report <a data-val="cd4503156ac9486a923e5ce84a9edf26" href="" data-linktype="internal">HERE</a>.</p> 01.08.2024 23:05:00 XSD templates and message formats for Electricity and Gas for suggestions <p>Please be informed that we have published message formats and XSD templates suggestions for Electricity and Gas:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" class="state-published navTreeCurrentItem navTreeCurrentNode active navTreeFolderish contenttype-folder" title="">Electricity/Gas documentation for suggestions</a></li> </ul> <p>Please send your suggestions by <strong>August 7, 2024</strong>. The deployment of these templates is scheduled for the system outage on <strong>August 20, 2024</strong>.</p> 31.07.2024 09:20:00 C A Commodities A/S a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>C A Commodities A/S has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st August 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 143 members and the short-term gas market has 133 members.</p> 29.07.2024 15:10:00 Amper Market, a.s. has been terminated in the system CS OTE as a balance responsible party in the gas and power market <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 7.5pt 0cm;">Amper Market, a.s. was terminated in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party in the power and gas market as of 31<span style="color: black;">st July</span> 202<span style="color: black;">4</span>. Currently the short-term power markets have 1<span style="color: black;">42</span> members and the short-term gas market 1<span style="color: black;">33</span> members.</p> 29.07.2024 14:00:00 ENETIQA Trading s.r.o. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>ENETIQA Trading s.r.o. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st August 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 143 members and the short-term gas market has 134 members.</p> 29.07.2024 09:15:00 Information to the Partial Decoupling of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) Tak-ing Place On 24 July 2024 (for Delivery Date 25 July 2024) <div style="overflow: auto;"> <div style="float: left;"> <h3>Market Coupling Steering Committee</h3> </div> <div style="float: right;"><img src="" data-linktype="image" title="Market Coupling Steering Committee" data-scale="large" width="349" alt="Market Coupling Steering Committee" height="95" data-val="8956b7b6ee6c44b381bfbc4cedb90d25" /></div> </div> <hr /> <p>The Market Coupling Steering Committee (MCSC) provides more information to the partial decoupling of the Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC) taking place on 24 July 2024 (for delivery date 25 July 2024).</p> <ul> <li>Countries/Bidding zones decoupled from the SDAC auction: the Czech Republic</li> <li>Interconnectors decoupled from the SDAC auction: CZ-AT, CZ-DE/LU, CZ-SK, SK-PL</li> <li>Order book decoupled from the SDAC auction: OTE (CZ)</li> </ul> <p>The incident was caused by local issues at OTE Local Trading System preventing the order books from OTE from being submitted before the operational deadline. The problem could not be fixed within the time allocated by the SDAC procedures and a partial decoupling was declared at 13:05 CEST in line with the relevant procedures.</p> <p>As a consequence of this local issue, OTE was also decoupled from IDA 3 at 10:00 CEST and IDA 1 at 15:00 CEST according to the operational procedure. Further NEMOs were decoupled from IDA 1 at 15:00 CEST following the SDAC Partial decoupling.</p> <p>The robust organization of market coupling worked as expected and ensured the coupling of the remaining part of the SDAC topology. The final SDAC market coupling results were published at 14:15 CET/CEST. The results of the decoupled Czech day-ahead market were calculated afterwards. The operation of following intraday auctions and day-ahead market on 25 July 2024 (for delivery day 26 July 2024) were run according to standard procedures.</p> <p>The official communiqué of MCSC is available <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> <p>We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this partial decoupling of the Czech day-ahead market.</p> <p> </p> 25.07.2024 14:55:00 Vršanská uhelná a.s. has been terminated in the system CS OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets <p><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">ELGAS Energy, s.r.o. </span></strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">was terminated in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets as of 28th <span style="color: black;">J</span>uly 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 142 members and the short-term gas market 134 members.</span></p> 24.07.2024 20:05:00 Day-Ahead Market results for delivery day 25th of July 2024 <p>Day-Ahead Market results for delivery day 25th of July 2024 can be found <a data-val="9f2a6e13b4ce4c48845dba9e0fd87a19" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</p> 22.07.2024 17:25:00 AGF Energy, a.s. - a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>AGF Energy, a.s. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st August 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 143 members and the short-term gas market has 134 members.</p> 05.07.2024 09:20:00 XSD templates and message formats <p>We have published XSD and WSDL templates on the <a style="background-color: #ffffff;" href="" target="_blank">Electricity Documentation</a> page, which will be deployed on the production environment during the system downtime on 23 July 2024.</p> 03.07.2024 16:25:00 OTE, a.s. and the Ministry of Industry and Trade Announce the Introduction of a 15-minute Settlement and Trading Period in the Czech Republic <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>OTE, a.s. and the Ministry of Industry and Trade Announce the Introduction of a 15-minute Settlement and Trading Period in the Czech RepublicOTE, a.s. (OTE, Marcet Operator) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (\'MPO\') are pleased to announce the introduction of a 15-minute settlement and trading period in the Czech Republic from the day of delivery, July 1, 2024. This significant step represents an important milestone in the transition of the energy market and at the same time in strengthening the development of international cross-border trading.</strong></p> <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;">Shortening the settlement and trading period from 60 minutes to 15 minutes brings a number of benefits, including increased flexibility that allows market participants to better respond to changes in supply and demand, which contributes to the optimization of trading strategies, furthermore accurate analysis of electricity consumption and production, and improved integration of renewable sources energy. The introduction of a shortened settlement and trading period is also fully in line with European legislation and standards aimed at harmonizing energy markets across Europe. Along with this change, the market operator innovated market platforms and expanded trading opportunities in the short-term electricity markets it organizes by introducing trading through pan-European intraday auctions. Trading on these platforms makes it possible to develop business strategies and bring additional benefits to end customers on the electricity market in the Czech Republic.<br /><br />This is one of the biggest changes in the electricity market in the Czech Republic since the beginning of the successful liberalization of the electricity market in 2005, when for the first time the end customer could choose his electricity supplier. The market operator devoted more than three years of intensive work to this important change, when, thanks to the new technical solution and the high expertise of all employees, he managed to successfully implement this change in the key processes of the electric power industry and at the same time provided all the support to the electricity market participants to prepare for this change. This change had similar effects for market participants, who not only had to adjust their systems, but also had to make related adjustments to the data they exchange within the market with the market operator and through its central information system.<br /><br />Mr. Michal Puchel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTE, a.s., stated: "The successful introduction of the 15-minute settlement and trading period is the result not only of our intensive cooperation, but also of the preparations of all parties involved. This step will allow us to respond better to dynamic changes in the market and contribute to greater stability and efficiency of the energy system. We are proud to bring innovations that will have a positive impact on the entire market and end consumers."<br />"This is another in a series of measures aimed at modernizing our power engineering. Electricity production from renewable energy sources such as solar or wind changes more frequently than we are used to with other<br />sources. Shortening the billing and trading period responds to this and will enable both market participants and end consumers to respond more effectively to market developments. The measure will therefore give customers the opportunity to reduce their electricity expenses," added Mr. Jozef Síkela, Minister of Industry and Trade.<br /><br />The market operator would like to thank all market participants for their cooperation and active involvement during the preparation period. Your participation in webinars and workshops and suggestions for upcoming changes were among the key factors in the successful implementation of this project.<br />After the introduction of the 15-minute settlement and trading period, OTE will continue to provide all necessary support to market participants in their activities on the electricity and gas market.</p> <hr /> <p style="text-align: center;">The press release can be downloaded in PDF format <a data-val="9c975ae23b2943bdb1a1c28ede86cf03" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</p> 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 40
OTE News OTE News 10.09.2024 11:15:00 Ekologické Zdroje Energie s.r.o. has been terminated in the system CS OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets <p><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">Ekologické Zdroje Energie s.r.o. </span></strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">was terminated in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets as of 30th September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 145 members and the short-term gas market 134 members.</span></p> 09.09.2024 14:25:00 XML message formats, XSD templates for suggestions <div class=" relative ml-[2px] -mt-[4px] "> <div class="prose dark:prose-invert " style="width: 622px;"> <p>On the page <a href="" class="state-published navTreeCurrentItem navTreeCurrentNode active contenttype-document" title="">XML message formats, XSD templates for suggestions</a> we have just published a new version of the templates for suggestions.</p> <p>The new version of the ISOTEDATA template, which will be deployed to the CS OTE production environment on<strong> September 23, 2024</strong>, is now available for testing in the Sandbox testing environment.</p> <p>For more information, please visit the aforementioned page.</p> </div> </div> 04.09.2024 15:50:00 Increase in Negative Pricing Hours on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market in 2024 <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The development of trading on the day-ahead electricity market (DAM) organized by OTE, a.s. contributes to the price reduction. In the spring and summer months of 2024, there was an increase in trades at a negative price. This increases the number of hours when the customer does not pay for the consumption of electricity, but on the contrary gets paid, and thus its costs are reduced. Almost 50 days between April and August, electricity was traded at a negative price on the day-ahead market, which is almost three times as many cases as in the same period last year. The highest negative price achieved was - 138.75 EUR/MWh on 12.5. 2024. </strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The most hours with a negative price were during April to June. This confirms the fact that the production from photovoltaic power plants (PVE) is strongly influenced not only by the number of hours when the sun shines, but also by the outdoor temperature. The efficiency of PV production decreases with increasing temperature (in summer, during days with high temperatures, PV plants achieve lower efficiency than in spring or autumn).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">“I welcome that OTE\'s short-term markets contribute to achieving lower prices and greater business opportunities. Negative prices and price volatility in general can motivate market participants to greater activities within the energy markets, implementation and development of accumulation and provision of flexibility on the consumption side as well," says Michal Puchel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTE.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Short-term electricity markets organized by OTE, a.s. successfully help the electricity market not only in situations where there is a shortage of electricity, but also in situations where there is a significant surplus of energy on the market due to weather conditions. As a result, trading on short-term markets organized by OTE contributes not only to consumers, but also to the reduction of energy procurement costs, allows traders to reduce imbalance costs and is a suitable tool for increasing supply reliability in times of surplus production from renewable energy sources (sun, wind). For the sake of interest, it is also important to mention the fact that when trading on the day-ahead electricity market, there are also hours in which the electricity price is zero. This occurred 26 times in the period from April to August 2024. Prices also develop in the intraday electricity markets organized by OTE in a similar way to the daily market.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The development of trading at negative prices on the day-ahead electricity market compared to the average price achieved on the day-ahead electricity market is shown in the following figure.</p> <p> <img src="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" data-linktype="image" title="PR_Increase in Negative Pricing Hours on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market in 2024.png" data-val="a57d3a5a5365493c883d0e5214e31c91" data-scale="large" alt="PR_Increase in Negative Pricing Hours on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market in 2024.png" class="image-inline" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;">The press release in PDF format is available <a data-val="77fc8dd30ce144cfa75c906b78f3162f" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</p> 28.08.2024 19:25:00 RS energie s.r.o. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>RS energie s.r.o. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power and gas markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 146 members and the short-term gas market has 134 members.</p> 27.08.2024 10:50:00 Raccoon Energy s.r.o. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>Raccoon Energy s.r.o. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 145 members and the short-term gas market has 133 members.</p> 22.08.2024 15:30:00 GridStream a.s. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>GridStream a.s. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st September 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 144 members and the short-term gas market has 133 members.</p> 21.08.2024 14:30:00 Monthly electricity and gas market report <p>Download the monthly electricity and gas market report <a data-val="7e3dfc7135274113b5b2a17a020c8c59" href="" data-linktype="internal">HERE</a>.</p> 15.08.2024 13:45:00 Intraday auctions and the possibility to trade every quarter-hour are new tools for reducing electricity payments. <p><strong>Intraday electricity auctions and opportunity to trade electricity every quarter-hour, which were introduced by the market operator during the last days of June, have a positive effect on electricity prices. Already in the first half of July, there was a further increase in trades on the intraday electricity markets organized by OTE. In July 2024, daily average volume of 16,600 MWh was traded on these markets (≈ average annual consumption of 6,600 households). This fact led to a reduction in the cost of imbalance. Intraday auctions, together with the possibility to trade every quarter-hour, are therefore a very good tools for electricity traders. This increases the possibilities to react more efficiently and quickly to the current situation on the market and to contribute to the overall reduction of the electricity price. This type of trading contributes to the further development of renewable sources, the introduction of electricity sharing, accumulation and the provision of flexibility aggregation services. Traders and producers have a continuous overview of the current situation on the market, are more active and thus create greater pressure to achieve the most favourable price.</strong></p> <p>"The introduction of a new way of trading through intraday auctions across Europe and the transition to a quarter-hour imbalance settlement and trading period in the Czech Republic extends the possibilities of integrating renewable resources and consideration of the effect of weather on their production. There is also additional opportunity on the consumption side to respond to price movements, with an effort to reduce prices for consumers," says Michal Puchel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTE, a.s.</p> <p>"Intraday electricity auctions are a new tool that also effectively allocates available transmission capacity to bidding zones so that the obtained prices of cross-border capacities in individual bidding zones reflect their shortage at a given time and thus send additional price signals to the market. Simply put, both traders and producers have a better overview of current price signals, which motivates them to buy and sell electricity. As a result, the entire market is more effective and creates pressure to find a balanced electricity price," says Igor Chemišinec, vice chairman of the board of OTE, a.s.</p> <p>Intraday auctions take place in cooperation with other EU market operators (NEMOs) and transmission system operators every day at 3:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. As part of its intraday market trading platforms, OTE allows market participants to trade 15 and 60-minute continuous products and in intraday auctions. Traders and producers use these tools every day. The current ratio of individual trading options is 70% for intraday products with a 60-minute period, 20% for a 15-minute period and 10% for intraday auctions. In total, 2.715.000 MWh of electricity was traded on the intraday and day ahead electricity market in July, which for an idea was the net electricity consumption of two large regions of the Czech Republic for the last quarter of 2023.<br /><sub>The press release is available as a PDF <a data-val="38550ba6fe6f48118332ebb598b441b1" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</sub></p> 13.08.2024 13:15:00 Updated OTE Business Terms for the gas market (Revision 24 – July 2024) - effective on 20 August 2024 <p>The Updated OTE Business Terms for the gas market (Revision 24 – July 2024) have been published on the OTE website. The updated OTE Business Terms for the gas market were approved by the Energy Regulatory Office on 5<sup>th</sup> August 2024 and <strong>became effective from 20<sup>th</sup> August 2024.</strong></p> <hr /> <ul> <li><a data-val="" href="" data-linktype="external">Business terms of OTE for the Gas market.pdf</a> - Revision 24 - July 2024</li> <li><a data-val="" href="" data-linktype="external">Business terms of OTE for the Gas market</a> – track changed - Revision 24 - July 2024</li> </ul> <p>Currently in editing progress, temporarily only in the Czech version.<br /><br /></p> <hr /> <p> Annexes No. 1, 2 and 3 were not changed in this revision.</p> 02.08.2024 09:15:00 Monthly electricity and gas market report <p>Download the monthly electricity and gas market report <a data-val="cd4503156ac9486a923e5ce84a9edf26" href="" data-linktype="internal">HERE</a>.</p> 01.08.2024 23:05:00 XSD templates and message formats for Electricity and Gas for suggestions <p>Please be informed that we have published message formats and XSD templates suggestions for Electricity and Gas:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" class="state-published navTreeCurrentItem navTreeCurrentNode active navTreeFolderish contenttype-folder" title="">Electricity/Gas documentation for suggestions</a></li> </ul> <p>Please send your suggestions by <strong>August 7, 2024</strong>. The deployment of these templates is scheduled for the system outage on <strong>August 20, 2024</strong>.</p> 31.07.2024 09:20:00 C A Commodities A/S a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>C A Commodities A/S has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st August 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 143 members and the short-term gas market has 133 members.</p> 29.07.2024 15:10:00 Amper Market, a.s. has been terminated in the system CS OTE as a balance responsible party in the gas and power market <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 7.5pt 0cm;">Amper Market, a.s. was terminated in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party in the power and gas market as of 31<span style="color: black;">st July</span> 202<span style="color: black;">4</span>. Currently the short-term power markets have 1<span style="color: black;">42</span> members and the short-term gas market 1<span style="color: black;">33</span> members.</p> 29.07.2024 14:00:00 ENETIQA Trading s.r.o. a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>ENETIQA Trading s.r.o. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st August 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 143 members and the short-term gas market has 134 members.</p> 29.07.2024 09:15:00 Information to the Partial Decoupling of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) Tak-ing Place On 24 July 2024 (for Delivery Date 25 July 2024) <div style="overflow: auto;"> <div style="float: left;"> <h3>Market Coupling Steering Committee</h3> </div> <div style="float: right;"><img src="" data-linktype="image" title="Market Coupling Steering Committee" data-scale="large" width="349" alt="Market Coupling Steering Committee" height="95" data-val="8956b7b6ee6c44b381bfbc4cedb90d25" /></div> </div> <hr /> <p>The Market Coupling Steering Committee (MCSC) provides more information to the partial decoupling of the Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC) taking place on 24 July 2024 (for delivery date 25 July 2024).</p> <ul> <li>Countries/Bidding zones decoupled from the SDAC auction: the Czech Republic</li> <li>Interconnectors decoupled from the SDAC auction: CZ-AT, CZ-DE/LU, CZ-SK, SK-PL</li> <li>Order book decoupled from the SDAC auction: OTE (CZ)</li> </ul> <p>The incident was caused by local issues at OTE Local Trading System preventing the order books from OTE from being submitted before the operational deadline. The problem could not be fixed within the time allocated by the SDAC procedures and a partial decoupling was declared at 13:05 CEST in line with the relevant procedures.</p> <p>As a consequence of this local issue, OTE was also decoupled from IDA 3 at 10:00 CEST and IDA 1 at 15:00 CEST according to the operational procedure. Further NEMOs were decoupled from IDA 1 at 15:00 CEST following the SDAC Partial decoupling.</p> <p>The robust organization of market coupling worked as expected and ensured the coupling of the remaining part of the SDAC topology. The final SDAC market coupling results were published at 14:15 CET/CEST. The results of the decoupled Czech day-ahead market were calculated afterwards. The operation of following intraday auctions and day-ahead market on 25 July 2024 (for delivery day 26 July 2024) were run according to standard procedures.</p> <p>The official communiqué of MCSC is available <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> <p>We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this partial decoupling of the Czech day-ahead market.</p> <p> </p> 25.07.2024 14:55:00 Vršanská uhelná a.s. has been terminated in the system CS OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets <p><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">ELGAS Energy, s.r.o. </span></strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto;">was terminated in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party in power markets as of 28th <span style="color: black;">J</span>uly 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 142 members and the short-term gas market 134 members.</span></p> 24.07.2024 20:05:00 Day-Ahead Market results for delivery day 25th of July 2024 <p>Day-Ahead Market results for delivery day 25th of July 2024 can be found <a data-val="9f2a6e13b4ce4c48845dba9e0fd87a19" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</p> 22.07.2024 17:25:00 AGF Energy, a.s. - a new balance responsible party in the power markets <p>AGF Energy, a.s. has been registered in the central system OTE as a balance responsible party with access to the short-term power markets organized by OTE with effect from 1st August 2024. Currently the short-term power markets have 143 members and the short-term gas market has 134 members.</p> 05.07.2024 09:20:00 XSD templates and message formats <p>We have published XSD and WSDL templates on the <a style="background-color: #ffffff;" href="" target="_blank">Electricity Documentation</a> page, which will be deployed on the production environment during the system downtime on 23 July 2024.</p> 03.07.2024 16:25:00 OTE, a.s. and the Ministry of Industry and Trade Announce the Introduction of a 15-minute Settlement and Trading Period in the Czech Republic <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>OTE, a.s. and the Ministry of Industry and Trade Announce the Introduction of a 15-minute Settlement and Trading Period in the Czech RepublicOTE, a.s. (OTE, Marcet Operator) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (\'MPO\') are pleased to announce the introduction of a 15-minute settlement and trading period in the Czech Republic from the day of delivery, July 1, 2024. This significant step represents an important milestone in the transition of the energy market and at the same time in strengthening the development of international cross-border trading.</strong></p> <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;">Shortening the settlement and trading period from 60 minutes to 15 minutes brings a number of benefits, including increased flexibility that allows market participants to better respond to changes in supply and demand, which contributes to the optimization of trading strategies, furthermore accurate analysis of electricity consumption and production, and improved integration of renewable sources energy. The introduction of a shortened settlement and trading period is also fully in line with European legislation and standards aimed at harmonizing energy markets across Europe. Along with this change, the market operator innovated market platforms and expanded trading opportunities in the short-term electricity markets it organizes by introducing trading through pan-European intraday auctions. Trading on these platforms makes it possible to develop business strategies and bring additional benefits to end customers on the electricity market in the Czech Republic.<br /><br />This is one of the biggest changes in the electricity market in the Czech Republic since the beginning of the successful liberalization of the electricity market in 2005, when for the first time the end customer could choose his electricity supplier. The market operator devoted more than three years of intensive work to this important change, when, thanks to the new technical solution and the high expertise of all employees, he managed to successfully implement this change in the key processes of the electric power industry and at the same time provided all the support to the electricity market participants to prepare for this change. This change had similar effects for market participants, who not only had to adjust their systems, but also had to make related adjustments to the data they exchange within the market with the market operator and through its central information system.<br /><br />Mr. Michal Puchel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTE, a.s., stated: "The successful introduction of the 15-minute settlement and trading period is the result not only of our intensive cooperation, but also of the preparations of all parties involved. This step will allow us to respond better to dynamic changes in the market and contribute to greater stability and efficiency of the energy system. We are proud to bring innovations that will have a positive impact on the entire market and end consumers."<br />"This is another in a series of measures aimed at modernizing our power engineering. Electricity production from renewable energy sources such as solar or wind changes more frequently than we are used to with other<br />sources. Shortening the billing and trading period responds to this and will enable both market participants and end consumers to respond more effectively to market developments. The measure will therefore give customers the opportunity to reduce their electricity expenses," added Mr. Jozef Síkela, Minister of Industry and Trade.<br /><br />The market operator would like to thank all market participants for their cooperation and active involvement during the preparation period. Your participation in webinars and workshops and suggestions for upcoming changes were among the key factors in the successful implementation of this project.<br />After the introduction of the 15-minute settlement and trading period, OTE will continue to provide all necessary support to market participants in their activities on the electricity and gas market.</p> <hr /> <p style="text-align: center;">The press release can be downloaded in PDF format <a data-val="9c975ae23b2943bdb1a1c28ede86cf03" href="" data-linktype="internal">here</a>.</p> 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 40