04.07.2022 12:00:00

All NEMOs publish CACM Annual and Cost Report 2021 on intraday and day-ahead coupling

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The CACM Annual Report and CACM Cost Report were prepared by the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) in cooperation with Transmission System Operators (TSOs) monitor the implementation of the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Regulation (CACM Regulation) and the associated Algorithm methodology. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) and single intraday coupling (SIDC) operations in 2021 and gives a broad outline of the current and future performance of market coupling algorithms and the R&D activities undertaken.

The annual report summarizes the work achieved by nominated market operators and transmission system operators in interconnection ('SDAC') and intraday ('SIDC') projects to ensure the successful functioning of interconnected markets. It also provides a comprehensive overview of SDAC and SIDC operations in 2021 and provides a broad insight into the current and future performance of market interconnection algorithms and R&D activities. Regular and transparent evaluation of their operation and performance is the key to the ultimate goal of all projects - an efficient integrated energy market in the EU.

The cost report provides a detailed overview of the costs of 2021 for the activities of NEMOs and/or TSOs in the framework of fulfilling the obligations arising from the CACM Regulation, in particular from the SDAC and SIDC projects. It also includes the costs of regional projects implemented by NEMOs and TSOs in relation to market interconnection and the outlook for 2022.

The NEMO Committee organises a live webinar on the CACM Annual Report 2021 in September. The exact date and the agenda will be published soon.


More details can be found in the NEMO Committee Press Release here.

The CACM Annual Report 2021 can be downloaded here.

The CACM Cost Report 2021 can be downloaded here.