Transition to a 15-minute settlement period for the electricity commodity from July 1, 2024 in the Czech Republic


With effect from July 1, 2024, the Czech Republic will switch to a 15-minute clearing and settlement period for the electricity commodity. Documents relating to modifications to the market operator's information system in connection with this change, including anticipated modifications to external interfaces in connection with the transition to a 15-minute settlement and trading interval in the Czech Republic from the market operator's point of view, are continuously published on this website. Below is also the testing plan and the expected GoLive plan for the implementation of new functionalities in connection with the transition to a 15-minute settlement period for the electricity commodity.

XSD templates and WSDL valid on CS OTE production environment from 1 February 2024.
XML message formats D1.4.2 XML formats

XML specifications (XSD templates) (last update was on 15 May 2024)

D1.4.2 XSD formats
WSDL templates for automatic communication (last update was on 29 May 2024) D1.4.2 WSDL templates
Specification of XML formats according to ETSO. The specific application for OTE purposes is described in document D1.4.4 Automatic communication
Examples of XML messages Examples of XML messages

OTE PKI Signature Component
Important information on the update of the OTE PKI signature component (valid from 12.6.2024) Update of the signature component for access to the OTE system
General information about the component and access settings Setting up access to the OTE system

Supporting documents in connection with the transition to the 15-minute settlement period
A document containing changes to the CDSDATA communication format interface and message formats for markets and settlement for a settlement period of 15 minutes. The document also includes answers to questions raised in the webinar and held on 18 June 2020, or sent to

CDSDATA communication format and Markets and Clearing for the 15-minute settlement period

The last update was made on 12 June 2023

Changes in automatic communication – CIM (RRM + Capacity)

Changes in automatic communication – CIM

Overview of the introduction of 15-minute products on short-term electricity markets operated by OTE
Download the overview here

Documentation for TDD electricity - 15 minutes (valid from 01.07.2024)

TDD documentation (czech only)


Presentation from the webinar held on June 18, 2024 describing changes in CS OTE system from June 25, 2024 and July 1, 2024

Presentation available here

Presentation from the webinar held on May 28, 2024 describing changes in CS OTE system in June 2024, especially changes from June 13, 2024

Presentation available here

Presentation from the webinar held on March 7, 2024 - Information on changes in the short-term electricity markets for 2024/25 in relation to the introduction of a 15-minute trading period in the Czech Republic, intraday auctions, and 15-minute settlement imbalance.

Presentation available here

Presentation from the webinar held on February 13,.2024 - the new CS OTE framework in the areas related to EAN OPM master data transfer and measurement data transfer in the new universal interface in a 15-minute period.

Presentation available here (czech only)

Presentation from the webinar held on 21.11.2023 - new CDSDATA formatQuestions and answers from the webinar on 21.11.2023

Presentation available here (czech only)

Q&A available here (czech only)

Presentation from the webinar held on 21 June 2023 

Note: outdated - please follow the document files from webinars located above for the latest information.

Presentation.pptx (czech only)

Questions and answers about the transition to 15-minute interval

Questions and answers (updated 21/06/2024).pdf(czech only)

XML specifications (XSD templates) XSD templates are available on the page of 15-minute period sandbox
Web services interface in version 2.3. D1.4.3  CS OTE External Interface - Web Services are available on the page of 15-minute period sandbox
Message formats for DT, IDA, ZO and FZ D.1.4.4 External interface CS OTE - Message formats for DT, IDA, ZO, FZ, CDS,ERD
Message formats Electricity CDSDATA communication format for a settlement period of 15 minutes
Message formats Gas Will be added later
Message formats POZE Will be added later

XML generator with waveform data in optimized CDSDATA format for 60 min. period

Expected GoLive implementation plan for new functionalities in connection with the transition to the 15-minute settlement interval for the electricity commodity

Effective date from: Functionality

implemented from February 1, 2024

GoLive optimized CDSDATA format 1)
New CDS interface (60min), including a new "resolution" attribute for period identification

June 13, 2024

(delivery day June 14, 2024)

-> deployment of changes will take place in CS OTE on June 12, 2024 (in the evening)

GoLive new interface, new automatic communication and messaging interface for markets (60min) 
- Day-ahead Market (60min) 
- Intraday Auctions (60min) 
- Markets and Imbalances Settlement (60min) 
- RRD - Registration of realization diagrams  

  • Until the delivery day June 30, 2024 trading period in 60min resolution 
  • From delivery day July 1, 2024 trading period in 15min resolution 

- Financial hedging – only extension of the interface for automatic communication 

June 25, 2024 

-> deployment of changes will take place in CS OTE on June 24, 2024 (in the evening) 

Period after the deployment of changes: 

  • 60min for delivery days June 25 to June 30, 2024 
  • 15min starting from delivery day July 1, 2024 and onwards 

GoLive new interface  (no impact on automatic communication and messaging interface) 

- CDS-electricity: PDT technical master data (PDT registration/update, PDT disconnection, PDT reconnection, list of services according to PDT, etc.) + transfer of measured data data + reports regarding Load Profiles and clearing of Load profiles (60 min) 

- CDS-gas (PDT) 

- Financial hedging 

- OTE public website 

July, 1 2024 (=delivery day) 2)

Starting from delivery day July 1, 2024 CS OTE will start automatically distinguishing the following periods:  

- Day-ahead market (60min) 

- Intraday continuous market (15 + 60 min) – both periods will be supported for trading  

- Intraday auctions (15 min) 
- Markets and Imbalances Settlement (15min), except for Day-ahead Market (remains at 60min until Q1/2025) 
- RRD - Registration of realization diagrams (15 min) 
- Financial hedging (15min) 

- CDS-electricity 

  • For data with delivery period until June 30, 2024 in 60min resolution 
  • For data with delivery period starting from July 1, 2024 in 15min resolution 

Note: Day-ahead Market remains without changes at 60min 

H2 2024 – H1 2025 3)

GoLive new interface for the following parts of CS OTE: 

- RMP registration 

- POZE  

- CDS-electricity (other than mentioned above 

- CDS-gas (other than mentioned above) 

Q1 2025 3)

GoLiveDay-ahead Market (15/60 min) 

1)All CDSDATA messages sent from February 1, 2024 must be in the new format!!! For the period until June 30, 2024, messages will be sent in the new format, but still with the hourly interval, i.e. attribute "resolution" = "PT60M". 
For the period from July 1, 2024, messages will be sent in a new format, but already with a quarter-hour interval, i.e. with the attribute ""resolution"" = ""PT15M"". 
2)if a shutdown of CS OTE is required, market participants will be informed 
3) the date will be specified 

Expected Testing Timeline

Date Functionality
March 18, 2024 - May 30, 2024  E2E communication tests of the new universal 15/60min interface for data transfer via CDSDATA format (15min period) -VIA ONLY AUTOMATION COMMUNICATION, no webportal at this moment 
April 15, 2024 - May 3, 2024  E2E tests Intraday Auctions with electricity - new interface (web portal) + new automatic communication (15/60 min)  
April 15, 2024 - May 17, 2024 

E2E tests - PDT masterdata transfer (elektricity+gas) – new interface (web portal) 

E2E tests - profile metering data (electricity) – new interface (web portal) 

April 22, 2024 - May 3, 2024  E2E tests Day-Ahead Market with electricity - new interface (web portal) + automatic communication (60min) 
April 29, 2024 - May 17, 2024  E2E tests - CDS - aggregation, preditction, clearing of Load Profiles (15/60min) 
April 29, 2024 - May 3, 2024  E2E tests - Continuous Intraday Electricity Market Shipping testsphase 1 (15/60 min period) (relevant only for CEPS) 
May 13, 2024 - May 31, 2024 

E2E tests – new interface (web portal) (15/60min)
- Settlement of markets and imbalance periods (electricity)

- RRD - Registration of realization diagrams

May 13, 2024 - May 17, 2024 E2E tests - Continuous Intraday Electricity Market – Shipping testsphase 2 (15/60 min period) (relevant only for CEPS) 
May 27, 2024 - May 31, 2024 E2E tests - Continuous Intraday Electricity Market (15/60 min)
June 3, 2024 - June 7, 2024

E2E tests - Intraday Gas Market 

(testing changes in CS OTE, OTECOM Gas application remains unchanged) 

June 3, 2024 - June 24, 2024  E2E tests - OTE public website (electricity/gas) (15/60min) 
June 3, 2024 - June 24, 2024  E2E tests - Financial Security/Hedging (electricity/gas) (15/60min) 

Further information is provided in the individual documents on this website.