Market Documentation

Day-ahead Market documents
Description Documents for download
Messages used on the day-ahead 4MMC Day-ahead 4MMC messages.pdf
Basics of DAM trade application control 01 Application control.wmv
Submission and Administration of DAM standard bids 02 Standard bids.wmv
Block bids of DAM 03 Block bids.wmv


Documentation of OTE-COM application (Intra-Day market and Balancing market)
Description Documents for download
Presentation Application OTE-COM for trading on IM/BalM Prezentation_OTECOM_IM_BalM.pdf
Instruction for the first access to the production environment of OTE-COM application Instruction for the access to the OTE-COM application.pdf
Instruction for the first access to the test environment (SANDBOX) of OTE-COM application Instruction for the access to the SANDBOX OTE-COM application.pdf
OTE-COM Launcher Manager Manual OTE-COM Launcher Manager Manual.pdf
Formats of messages OTE-COM application (IM/BalM market) D1.4.X Formats messages OTE-COM (IM BalM).pdf
XSD templates OTE-COM application (IM/BalM  market) D1.4.X XSD templates OTE-COM (IM BalM).zip
Video tutorial - description of the IM trading screen 1_Description_of_trading_screen.mp4
Video tutorial - submission and administration of the IM orders 2a_Submission_and_administration_of_orders.mp4
Video tutorial - submission and administration of the IM orders in the basket 2b_Submission_and_administration_of_orders_in_Basket.mp4
Video tutorial - IM reports 3_Reports.mp4
Video tutorial - the setting of the IM settlement currency 4_Setting_of_settlement_currency.mp4
Video tutorial - setting the IM user parameters 5_Setting_user_parameters.mp4
Video tutorial - setting parameters of the IM trading screen 6_Setting_parameters_of_trading_screen.mp4


Documentation of the registration of the realization diagrams
Description Documents for download
Video tutorial - the registration of the realization diagrams EN-RRD_full.wmv