06.09.2022 13:55:00

Information about the termination of a contract for distribution services

We would like to inform market participants, that OTE, a.s., has received information from the distribution system operator PREDistribuce, a.s., about the termination of the contract for distribution services between PREDistribuce, a.s., and Národní energie, a.s. (registered market participant number 34061, EAN 8591824406137) which affects connection points EAN 859182400302117999 and EAN 859182400305191194, as of September 7th, 2022, 24:00.


Based on this information, registered suppliers may make a request for a change of supplier through the market operator's information system until September 7th, 2022, 24:00. If no change of supplier occurs, the supplier of last resort for these connection points will be activated.