22.04.2024 13:05:00

Initiation of the Next Phase of Testing the Implementation of a 15-minute Settlement Period

The market operator informs market participants of the commencement of the next phase of testing. From Monday, April 22, 2024, market participants may conduct so-called End-to-End (E2E) tests concerning: 

  • a new web portal for the purpose of transmitting profile measured data through the web portal,  
  • a new framework of the web portal and changes in the communication interface for the Day-Ahead market (for 60-minute resolution). 

Concurrently with the aforementioned testing, the following E2E tests are still ongoing:  

  • a new web portal for the purpose of transferring the PDT (Point of Delivery/Transfer) master data through the web portal, 
  • communication of a universal 15/60-minute interface for data transfer in CDSDATA format through Automatic Communication, and 
  • a new web portal and interface of Intraday Auction (IDA). From April 22, 2024 (for the Delivery Day of April 23, 2024), there will be a change in IDA testing which will switch from 60-minute to 15-minute products. 

Please, follow the current overview of planned testing, which can be found at https://www.ote-cr.cz/en/documentation/electricity-documentation/information-to-switch-to-15-min-interval?set_language=en. Detailed information on specific testing is provided in the individual documents under the same link. 

At the same time, we would like to inform market participants that during testing and deployment of applied changes, there may be outages in the testing environment from 11:00 to 12:00. 

Considering the expected extensive changes in the OTE information system in June/July 2024, we recommend market participants and their suppliers to participate in testing as soon as possible.