03.01.2022 17:30:00

Volumes traded on the intraday gas market exceeded 4 TWh

The volume of gas traded on the Intraday Gas Market has yet again exceeded 4 TWh. The total volume of gas traded on the Intraday Market in 2021 reached 4.01 TWh, which marked a year-on-year decline compared to 2020 (4.31 TWh). Trade prices have gone through a turbulent development at the end of 2021 with prices of traded gas rising significantly. The weighted average price on the Intraday Gas Market was EUR 46.22/MWh, which is a year-on-year increase of 386 % compared to 2020. This dynamic price development corresponded to the development across the EU. Throughout the year 2021, Market Operator’s platform for intraday trading has provided a stable base for both buying and selling gas. Our operational availability and the strong liquidity of our trading platform have been essential for securing gas supply for more than 300 thousand customers in the regime of Supplier of Last Resort. In addition to the Intraday Gas Market, OTE also organizes the Unused Flexibility Market.


More information can be found in the attached press release HERE.