Parameters of short-term markets


Day-ahead market

Intraday market

type of market daily auction continuous matching
traded period 1 hour 1 hour
minimum volume 0.1 MWh 0,1 MWh
maximum volume 99,999 MWh 999 MWh
quantity tick 0.1 MWh 0.1 MWh
trading currency EUR EUR
minimum price -500 EUR/MWh -9,999 EUR/MWh
maximum price  4,000 EUR/MWh  9,999 EUR/MWh
price tick 0,01 EUR/MWh 0,01 EUR/MWh
zero price option YES YES
market opens at unlimited 15:00 D-1
market closes at 12:00 D-1 H-5 minutes

Threshold values of market-clearing prices for the second auction in the CZ market (valid as of 22/06/2023):

  • upper threshold value: EUR +1500/MWh
  • lower threshold value: EUR    -500/MWh


Electricity markets.pdf