IM/BaIM Information

10.09.2019 Information about the Trial Period of Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC)

We would like to kindly invite you to join the planned webinar for market participants focused on modifications in OTE-COM done in relation to the upcoming Go-live of connected intraday electricity market (SIDC). Training for market participants will be held on 8th October 2019 (13:00 – 16:00) in form of webinar via online application, available on

It will be possible to test your connection to the application from 13:00 to 14:00 on 7th October 2019. You can either install application from the link above, or you can use common phone line and link which will be provided. Access information (web link and information for audio connection - phone number/VOIP) will be distributed for the webinar, as well as for the test session, not later than one hour before the beginning of webinar/test session.

The presentation used in the training for market participants can be found here.

We would also like to inform you that testing of new functionalities of OTE-COM application (and related automatic communication) will be possible as of 9th October 2019 via testing application of OTE-COM, available on testing environment Sandbox, or via use of automatic communication therein. Please make sure you have all access information available. Otherwise, please, do not hesitate to contact us on the email address provided below.

Common and organized testing with market participants will take place during the week starting from 21st October 2019 to 25th October 2019. Detailed testing plan will be provided in following days.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

10.09.2019 Information about the Market Participants Training focused on changes in OTE-COM related to 2nd Wave Go-Live of Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC)

In connection to the upcoming 2nd Wave Go-Live which will enable continuous cross-border trading of electricity in the intraday timeframe across the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, we would like to invite you for the Market Participant’s training, focused on planned modifications in the OTE-COM.

Training for market participants will be held on 8. 10. 2019 (13:00 – 16:00) in form of webinar via online application with the aim to present modifications if the trading platform, its new functionalities and impacts on other parts of OTE system. Further details about the Market Participant’s Training will be shared with market participants via email addresses submitted in CS OTE.

The Market Participants Training will be held only in Czech language, however the presentation, which will be distributed after the training, will be available in English as well as in Czech language.

The introductory presentation, which is already available at OTE’s webpage, provides basic overview of modifications and new functionalities of the trading module OTE-COM, including preliminary schedule for implementation, specification of the interface for automatic communication and automatic communication messages format and schedule of trial period for market participants.

02.09.2019 Basic information about the October´s Trial Period of Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC)

In connection to the upcoming 2nd Wave Go-Live (Single Intraday Coupling) which will enable continuous cross-border trading of electricity in the intraday timeframe across the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, we would like to inform you about planned Trial Period.

The presentation provides basic principles of the Trial Period, including preliminary schedule for testing of the system with market participants.

07.08.2019 Information about changes in OTE-COM related to 2nd Wave Go-Live of Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC)

In connection to the upcoming 2nd Wave Go-Live which will enable continuous cross-border trading of electricity in the intraday timeframe across the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, we would like to inform you about planned modifications in the OTE-COM.

The presentation provides basic overview of modifications and new functionalities of the trading module OTE-COM, including preliminary schedule for implementation and testing of the system with market participants. Detailed training for market participants describing changes in OTE-COM will follow.

For purposes of tests preparation, please find hereby attached specification of the interface for automatic communication and automatic communication messages format. Information about the market participants testing will be provided in advance.

08.01.2018 Application OTE-COM for trading on IM/BalM (PDF, 1200 Kb)

27.09.2016 In magazine PRO-ENERGY OTE published the article about an innovation of platform for intraday electricity and balancing market (PDF, 370 Kb) Czech only